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10 Simple Reasons a student guardian is needed when studying in Ireland?

Ian Gallagher

"So why are guardians required in Irish secondary / high schools ?" It's a good question and one we are often asked. In this blog we give 10 simple reasons guardians are needed for high schools in Ireland. Here we go...

  1. Support

Even the best schools in the world cannot be available 24/7. There are just too many students to ensure everyone is being cared for all the time. When a child is studying overseas, the difference between academic achievement and failure is almost always the factor of having the right support and care. This is why having a guardian for your child is so important. We are there to offer support for students and parents when they need it most, throughout their time in Ireland.

2. Travel arrangements

Imagine the stress of having to coordinate travel arrangements with the school, the homestay, the bus or taxi as well as organise flight times while factoring the possibility of delays, emergencies, holidays, pandemics etc. We make sure all travel arrangements are as easy for students and parents as possible and even include return airport transport as part of our service to minimise difficulties. Extra travel dates are easy to arrange with a quick phone call or email. Just let us know the flight time and we'll take care of the rest.

3. Accommodation

Selecting the right accommodation is essential. 90% of the parents that switch to our service do so because they can't find suitable accommodation or are not satisfied with the accommodation that is provided by their consultant. In most cases, the client has been promised an excellent homestay at an exceptional cost. The reality of the situation is often very different. We balance cost with quality so parents can rest assured their child will be staying with a homestay that will treat them like part of the family. As the saying goes, 'you get what you pay for'. Our vetting policy ensures homestay families are of the highest standard and offer the care and family environment that parents expect.

4. Shopping

That's right, we do the shopping! We organise school uniforms and books for our students as well as any miscellaneous items students may require such as pillows, bed sheets, t shirts etc. Sometimes they run out of toothpaste, face moisturiser and yes we do the shopping for them when needed. It's not always very obvious that this service is needed but who else is going to do it ? ISGI of course !!!!!!!!

5. Advice

Teenagers may not always want advice, however, they often need advice. We offer friendly advice to help students deal with the daily challenges they face throughout the year in Ireland. We are always there to lend an ear when students need someone to listen.

6. Parent-Teacher Meetings

Who will meet with teachers or attend any school meetings that parents are required to attend ? That's right, the designated guardian. All meetings with teachers are fully documented and details are discussed with parents at length ensuring students stay on the right track with their studies. Your child's guardian will help to organise any extra classes if required.

7. Emergencies

Things happen that we never expect or anticipate. Who expected a Pandemic in 2020 & 2021. During the last 12 months we have been required to coordinate emergency travel arrangements, accommodation, PCR testing and doctors appointments as well as quarantine facilities for students that contracted the virus. Emergencies happen and the guardians here at ISGI can be trusted to ensure the safety and well being for your child no matter what occurs while they are in Ireland.

8. It's a Legal Matter

Parents of international students attending High schools in Ireland are legally required to designate a guardian that is a resident of Ireland. In some instances the guardian will be required to sign visa related documentation before the visa is issued if non EEA.

9. Quality Standards

Imagine driving a car that had no quality inspection or standards. Quality standards are there to ensure the service or product offered is meeting the minimum levels agreed by a government agency or private organisation. There are rules, regulations and set protocols in place to ensure standards are consistently met. Being a guardian is no different. We accept the standards being put in place by both AGPI and BSA and make it a priority to meet those standards at all times.

10. Insurance Coverage

Professional full time guardians are fully insured. It is not the most inspiring reason but we all know how valuable insurance is when it's required.

Well that's it! We could go on I'm sure it's easy to see the value in having a trusted full time professional guardian. The safety and care of students studying in Ireland is extremely important to us. We make sure all our partners, parents, students and schools are at the centre of our decision making. We ensure that the transition to life in Ireland for international students is as smooth as possible.

While in Ireland, your children are our children. We take care of them and provide peace of mind for your the parent.

To learn more, contact us now


Whatsapp: +353834491299

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