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Girls Studying

University Guardianship

Someone you can rely on for peace of mind

University Guardianship

Not 18 yet and require a guardian for university placement? 

We've got you covered! We provide Guardianship services until you turn 18 or longer. As a student under 18, the university will ask you to provide a registered guardian. We offer all the services you need to start your journey 

Do I really need a guardian? 

A guardian is not always the first thing you consider for a university student. As international students are somewhat unfamiliar with Irish laws and customs and may be away from home for the first time, a selected registered guardian in Ireland is increasingly requested by Universities

Why choose ISGI university student guardianship? 

It can be challenging and daunting to move to a strange new country without the right  support. When family members are unavailable, it's nice to know you have someone to rely on. For non-EEA students who need to register with immigration authorities, a registered guardian is required to be present. We understand that university students are much more mature and sophisticated so we offer a non intrusive approach while always being there to give support. You can rely on us to offer student care and peace of mind in any situation 

Here to Help 

Guardianship support 

College Student


  • Year Around Support 

  • Meet and Greet 

  • Transport Arrangments

  • Pastoral Visits and Support 

  • Accommodation Support 

  • Immigration Registration 

  • 24/7 emergency phone line

  • Visa support in country 

  • Services provided on a monthly basis if requested

*Recommended early booking. Limited availability due to high demand 

Get in Touch

International Student Guardianship Ireland (ISGI)

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